Sunday, April 19, 2020


Events have surely changed for us suddenly.

Matthew 28:8-10; Luke 24:9-12:
Jesus Meets the Women who had loved and followed Him         
            Jesus came walking up to some women,
                        Who were hurrying away from the tomb
                                    To tell the disciples Jesus was alive.
Now Jesus wasn’t in a hurry.
He came, just like it was the normal,
everyday thing to do.
The women, however, had just been with the angel
And were still in bewilderment.
And now, Jesus was right here with them?

He first spoke Words of greetings to these much-loved women.
Overwhelmed, surprised,
            Not knowing what else to do,
                        They came to Him,
                        Clasped His feet, and
                        Worshipped Him
Then Jesus said to them,
                        “Do not be afraid.
                        Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee.
                        There they will see me.”
            Words just like the angel had told them.
So they did as Jesus said to do.
            They went to tell the disciples of their joy,
            There they found bewilderment, and unbelief….
            Until two brave disciples got up and ran to the tomb,
                        To check out the story the women told,
                        To search and find the Hope of their hearts.

So what do you do with your heart when Jesus
Comes to you?
Tells you to not be afraid?
Gives you instructions to follow?
Gives you words of hope?
Have you searched for the Hope of your heart?
Are you ready to be overwhelmed?
To clasp His feet?
To worship Him?
Almighty God
Who just comes walking and talking,

Real News: Words of Hope Not Nonsense
Peter and John Bring Big News to the Disciples: Luke 24:9-12; John 20:2-9

When the women told the disciples that Jesus had risen,
            Risen from the dead!
            The disciples did not believe.
            Their words seemed like nonsense.
But Peter and John didn’t consider their words nonsense.
.           They chose to hope. This was real news.
They got up and quickly ran to the tomb.

John, “the one Jesus loved,” got there first,
            But he didn’t go in. Just glanced in.
Saw the strips of linen, lying by themselves.
            But he waited to let Peter go in first.
This same Peter at the cross, “this fellow who was with Jesus,”
The one who denied Him three times,
This same Peter, who afterwards wept bitterly with deep regret
For his fear of what others thought, for his lack of faith.

But now, Peter wondered with hope what he would find inside.
Then he went into the tomb,
            Bent over where Jesus body had been,
Saw the strips of linen, lying by themselves,
Saw the burial cloth that had been around his uncrowned head,
            Folded up by itself,
            Separate from the strips of linen.

Now both Peter and John saw and hoped for more,
Even though they still didn’t understand from Scripture,
How Jesus had to be raised up from the dead.
Their hearts ached to see Jesus. Surely He must be alive!
            Peter’s heart must have ached for a chance to ask His forgiveness.
            John’s heart must have ached just to be with Jesus, to hear His Voice.
So they returned to the others, who were in hiding, doors locked.
            Waiting, grieving, wondering,
                        Waiting for something to happen,
                                    Waiting for Someone to happen.

Simon Peter must have been first to rush in,
To tell the other disciples,
John following close behind.

They must have started talking both at once,
            Listeners with questions,
Hearts half full of hope,
                        Half full of doubt.
            Who did all these things?
                        Who rolled away the stone?
How did He get unwrapped?
                        Who folded this cloth so neatly?
                        How did he get out of the tomb?
Did Jesus really conquer death?
Is He really alive?

Slowly a new hope for the future took over.
            The disciples’ words of hope and faith,
                        Gave hearts new hope to see Him again.
            Jesus’ Presence was all they needed.

So what questions do you have for Jesus?
            He’s waiting to offer you hope for your future,
To meet you
                        To answer your questions
                        To meet the needs of your heart,
                        To show you He’s alive!

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Events have surely changed for us suddenly. Suddenly Matthew 28:8-10; Luke 24:9-12: Jesus Meets the Women who had loved and followed ...